
If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.

Generate random numbers in C++

Some times we need a random number for sort or as the input of our program. Previously we can use rand() to generate. Since c++ 11, we have a new w... in Python

When we create a python package, we will distribute it. There are a couple of ways to achieve this purpose: by source code by whl by upload...

operator module in Python

Introduction Common operator Relation Bit operations Elements and attributes Other Examples Introduction Python’s operator module...

std::ofstream in cpp

Introduction A simple example Common interfaces Open & close Write data Position Control output formats ...

std::ifstream in cpp

Introduction A simple example Common interfaces Open & close Status related Read data Position related ...

Python File related IO

Introduction open io module io.StringIO/io.BytesIO An interesting example Summary Reference Introduc...

functools in Python

Introduction wraps cmp_to_key partial total_ordering reduce Introduction functools like itertool is very useful, but we pay little ...

abc module in Python

Introduction abc Module Module Animal example AwesomeSequence Recommended reading: Introduction abc is short for Ab...